Hire purchase
Do you want to rent a nice cello? I can do that. I rent all sizes of cello. Even the scarce 7/8th cello. The cello’s are from renowned brands such as Leonardo, Rudolph, Scott Cao but also from small studios in Germany and Belgium. The cello set consists of cello, bow and cover. The rental cello options start at € 1650,00 and it is rented for € 33,00 per month, i.e. 2% of the cello price. The hirer can also choose a better instrument up to € 5.000,00, the rent is then also 2% of the cello and one receives a bow and case to lend to complete the set.
The 3/4 , 7/8th and 4/4th cello’s I rent to non-students in installments of three months. My pupils rent the cello set per month.
The children’s cello sets from 1/32nd to 1/2 I rent for € 15.00 per month. To non-pupils the cello is rented in instalments of 6 months.
If you buy a cello of your choice from me I will deduct 12 months paid rent from the purchase price in the first year. For example 12 x € 30,00. It doesn’t matter how long you rent the cello, and when you buy the cello.
You can also opt for a hire-purchase arrangement.
You can also opt for a hire-purchase arrangement for 3/4, 7/8th and 4/4th cellos. You choose the cello that makes you happy. We divide the purchase amount by 24 and you spread the purchase in 24 equal installments. After that the cello is your property.

Haparandaweg 788A
1013 BD Amsterdam (Houthavens)